Friday, January 14, 2011

The 5 Most Important Lessons to Learn about Cooking Food that will Keep you on your Diet

1. That what you cook is not nearly as important as how you do it! If you dust a chicken breast with some spices and either boil - broil or cook it in a pan on medium heat, it's going to taste yuck!. Take that same chicken breast and rub it with fresh herbs, lemon, garlic and then cook it at high heat on the stove top, and you'll seal in the flavors and bring out the spices, now you will end up with a dish that tastes entirely different and is very enjoyable.

2. Don't make the mistake of squishing your burgers with the intention of pushing out the fat, what you are really doing is drying out your meat and taking out all of the flavor and juice. Buy extra-lean instead of lean meat it makes all the difference.

3. Experiment making your own salad dressings, substitute low-fat or fat - free plain yogurt or Greek yogurt for mayo, or buttermilk in the recipe.

The trick is to strain it through a fine mesh colander or
drain it overnight, which allows all the liquids to be removed. That gives you a higher concentrate of flavor in the yogurt and it will be a better binder. Add in finely chopped fresh parsley, garlic, onion, green peppers and a pinch of cayenne pepper , let the flavors blend for 2 hours in the fridge. The result is a thicker, full-bodied delicious alternative to a higher calorie dressing.

4. STOP thinking " no - fat" and start thinking "smart fat" "No-fat cooking tastes terrible, but if you exchange the bad saturated fats for healthy (good) monounsaturated fats, everything will taste better, you will be eating a whole lot better and be much less likely to cheat!

5. Relatively inexpensive but healthy kitchen essentials you should have on hand to guide you on your path, are a food scale (so you know how big your portions really are); an olive oil sprayer, to add flavor with minimum calories; and a mallet to tenderize low-fat (lean cuts) of meats.

Linda Caivano - Baldwin C.P.C.E.

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