Monday, December 12, 2011

Lovely Lumieres!

Every bride has their own vision of how they want their centerpieces to look on the tables at their reception, but with this economy, cost can sometimes be an issue!  Lumiere's are gorgeous and are a great way to bring a little glow to any room!

To complete this DIY project all you need is high melt paraffin wax (which you can find at any good craft store), party balloons, a double boiler, and a non-stick cookie sheet.

  • First you will fill your balloon with warm water.
  • Melt the wax.  The best temperature for this to work is at 180 degrees Fahrenheit.  
  • Slowly, you will dip your balloon into the wax to just below the water level in the balloon.  (DO NOT dip the balloon past the water level, this could cause the balloon to pop.)
  • Hold the balloon in the hot wax for a few seconds, then slowly lift it out. Dip it a few more times allowing time in between each dip for the wax to cool.  (Dipping more times will make it thicker.)
  • While the wax is still warm and you are able to mold it, set the balloon down on the cookie sheet making sure it is level.  This will create a flat bottom for the Lumiere to set upright.
  • After the wax is completely cooler, hold the balloon over a sink or bucket facing away from you.  Carefully pop the balloon and let the water drain out.  Throw away all leftover balloon. 
  • After this process, some of the wax may have chipped.  To level out the top of the Lumiere, heat the cookie sheet and place the Lumiere top-down onto the hot sheet to carefully melt the edges until it is level.
  • After it's all finished, you can play a tea light or votive inside the Lumiere to give a room a nice glow!
  • **For additional colors, you can try mixing color into the wax!**


  1. Would n the candle melt the wax? One could use a candle with a battery instead though. Great tutorial!

  2. Silly me, a votive would take care of that.
